eDepot.com® offers a free discussion forum and glossary for internet participants. The easiest way to generate your own forum and glossary is to simply register a new account by pressing the "new user registration" button. Follow the steps to get registered. After you are registered, simply visit your home page and click on "submit forum". Name your forum and customize the settings. Afterwards, you can moderate and visit your forum from your user account home page.

Groups created also show up on the main page of eDepot.com® when you click on the "list registered forums" link.

If you would rather create a forum without going through the registration process, you won't be able to name your forum or customize its features, but it offers a very quick way to create a forum and link to it from any webpage.

Free Discussion Forum!

Would you like to have your own discussion forum at edepot.com? Place this code on your webpage:

<a href="http://www.edepot.com/cgi-bin/fm.pl?code=NAME">Discussion Forum</a>

Thats all! No special setup required. Substitute NAME above with a name for your forum (no spaces)

You can also access it directly by entering the following in the Address box of your browser...



<a href="http://www.edepot.com/cgi-bin/fm.pl?code=Poetry">Poetry Discussion Forum</a>

If you place the above on a webpage, it will create a discussion forum named Poetry.

You can access it directly by entering the following in the Address box of your browser...


Try It

You can also moderate your forum!

Free eGlossary!

Would you like to have your own eGlossary at edepot.com? Place this code on your webpage:

<a href="http://www.edepot.com/cgi-bin/eglossary.pl?book=NAME">eGlossary</a>

Thats all! No special setup required. Substitute NAME above with a name for your glossary (no spaces)

You can also access it directly by entering the following in the Address box of your browser...



<a href="http://www.edepot.com/cgi-bin/eglossary.pl?book=Computers">Computers eGlossary</a>

If you place the above on a webpage, it will create an eGlossary named Computers.

You can access it directly by entering the following in the Address box of your browser...


Try It

Click HERE to learn about eGlossary.