Sandisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 1GB

The Sandisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 1GB (or the more recent 2GB and 4GB) is one of those flash memory devices that came to the market at the right time to fill a major need. The 1GB and 2GB hit the memory barrier needed by most technology enthusiasts. When purchasing this item, make sure it comes with with the Memory Stick Duo Adaptor if you do not already have one. This adaptor allows you to insert the card inside it and use it with the bigger size standard Memory Stick (Pro) stick slots like those found on the Sony VAIO notebooks and some CyberShot digital cameras. The "Duo" is the magic word that differenciates the smaller size of this flash-based memory card from the bigger sized cousin. Note that the Sony PSP (Playstation Portable) comes with this "duo" sized memory stick slot.

First time users may become confused on what all the various naming of the memory sticks mean. Here is a quick guide:

After the initial releases, different features were incorporated into the memory stick. The following provides a list of them along with who branded them.

Sandisk memory stick discussion group

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