ESAG Newsletter 9-97

ESAG Newsletter 9-97

      Elite Shareware Authors Group      
              Issue: 9-97                

Table of Contents:

(1) Current News
(2) Java and shareware
(3) Misc info
(4) Help and tips from our members (That's you!)

Section 1)  Current News

o Highlights...

ESAG now supports advertising on the main page.
Visit to see
it in action.  It is the topmost graphic.  You can
get 6 months of banner advertising for $10.00.
(This special offer ends before next newsletter,
so if you are interested be sure to act now!)

An idea of swapping registration codes so that
fellow ESAG members can get the registered copy of
other member's shareware came up. If you like
this idea, feel free to speak up.  Otherwise,
this idea will die with this newsletter.

It seems many members liked the ESAG logo
designed by Brandyware.  Those who are artistic, 
show other members that great talent inside of 
you!  Design your own ESAG logo.

If you are interested in a quick way to write other
ESAG members, contact me, and request this.  I have
many ideas that may simplify this process.

Unrelated but interesting fact:  This newsletter
will reach you on the day of the Chinese Moon
Festival...  A day when everyone is supposed to
go and buy/eat Moon cakes from Chinatown.  So
go do it now!

Section 2)  Java and shareware

It seems Java as a language is getting very mature 
these past few months, but it still has an 
unstable API and very shakey future in browsers.
Looks like Microsoft might not support all the
standards created by JavaSoft (Sun Microsystems).
Therefore not all browsers will run the same Java 
applets in the future.

For programming shareware in Java, there could be
nothing easier.  The language is very clean and
simple.  Java is basically C++ with all the
ugliness taken out.  (Macros, pointers, header files,
etc)  If you know C++, you know Java.  If you
program in C++, you can program in Java.

How might shareware relate to Java?  Well there are
three possible ways to create shareware with Java.

1) Create a Java "applet" that supports JDK 1.02
   All Java applets run inside of a browser, and
   is run when the html contains commands to
   load the applet.  All major browsers support 
   JDK 1.02, which has the first major release
   of the Java API (similar to Win32 API)  
   You can then run your shareware applet 
   inside the clients browser.  They would need to 
   access your web page each time they run your 
   shareware program, however.

2) Create a Java "application" that runs stand-alone
   (outside of a browser), but if you do this,
   you must distribute it with the Java Runtime Environment
   (which is free).  The JRE acts like a browser (contains
   the Java Virtual Machine), but runs the program directly, 
   not needing html files to load the Java program, freeing
   the Java program from the browser.  The JRE is quite
   a few megabytes in size, so it will add to the size
   of your program just to run.  It also needs to be
   installed on your clients machine, but only once.

3) Create your Java applications, but wait for major
   operating systems to support it natively.  Right now
   the only OS that supports it natively is the JavaOS,
   which runs on JavaStations from Sun Microsystems.
   You have to be very careful relying on this option,

Section 3)  Misc Info

I have a better way to find out which software or S/N is cracked!

Look at these pages AND DOWNLOAD THE "OSCAR Vx.x" crack-list program
with s/n's, cracks and links to your homepages from there:

... or join #PC97 at Efnet in IRC ... where the crackers
are talking and the s/n's are spreaded life!


About sites with registration codes on geocities, they created a page 
to declare a no legal site...:

Greg Davis

ABC Software:

ABC Software's GDS web software download platform has been upgraded. 
It now supports instant autolinks to your software download files. 
The listing service is FREE with a return link and can be completed 
in less than 5 minutes:



Many interesting shareware ideas and discussions can
be found at and
click on the Shareware Group.  Check it out... it may
answer many of your questions.

Section 4)  Tips from ESAG members (That's you!)

1) Describe your company
PEPSOFT was created in december 1996. I have to say that it was hard 
to find a good name ended by 'soft' ! visit us at:

2) Describe your products
The first product is WinXFiles, it features secure image/data
encryption with a secure viewer inside and a Wipe files deleting
function.  I try to make my products easy to use without the need 
of the help file and it seems a lot of people appreciates that.

3) What platforms does your products run on? 
WinXFiles was created for both Win3.1 and Win95 but I have more
registrations for the win95 version (80% of them are for the w95 
version) so I think my next product will be only for the 32-bit 

4) What kind of audience do you target?
The larger one. Big compagnies don't buy shareware programs 
so my target is people, family, office workers.

5) How did you get started in programming?
It was in 1982, I was 12 with a Sinclair ZX81, after I bought an 
Amstrad CPC 464, I had a program published in a magazine with it.
After an Atari ST. Actually I bought my first PC in 1990 and 
I programmed in Unix/C before to program in Delphi.

6) What talent do you think you have that makes you stand out?
When I created a software, I thought about it before coding. 
It's one thing I thank my teachers at school who learned me.
I think about what people would need in the program, what can I 
add in it to simplify its use. And for the end a nice 
interface/logo design.

7) What tips would you like to share with other ESAG members?
To have a good registration method, not crippling the programs but 
make a 30 days limit, if you don t do that your shareware will be a 
freeware. People will not register for something they can have for
free.  We have a lot to do to to make people understands that we are 
not Bill Gates and what we earn with shareware is not millions 
dollars... the same for the hackers. There are more and more web 
sites for exemple in countries not subjected with the copyright laws 
like Slovakia (595.819 visitors since 2.1.1997 !)... which delivers 
a lot of registrations codes for shareware and commercial software. 
This is the big menace for us because this web pages are linked on 
personal homepages of guys who use our products for free and invit 
the other people to do the same (I would like to know if this guys 
work for free!)

8) What future products can we expect?
The next one will be a graphic viewer/converter who will be WinXFiles 
encrypted image files compatible which will be released in July. 

Thank you for reading me.

Greg Davis

Here's my info (for Cottonwood Software)

1) Describe your company
I have a separate day job as a programmer, so Cottonwood 
Software is currently run part-time.  Originally started with 
the idea of writing game shareware, I am now dedicated to 
Windows utilities.

2) Describe your products
I have a single product: File-Ex.  File-Ex enhances the 
file open dialogs of nearly all Windows applications.  
It enlarges the dialog, adds recently-used file and folder 
lists and favorite file/folder lists, file management functions,
and more.

3) What platforms does your products run on?
Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 (NT coming soon).

4) What kind of audience do you target?
My primary audience is the Windows power-user who wants 
to save time or effort in routine functions.

5) How did you get started in programming?
I started in High School, taking Fortram classes and 
toying with early PC's in computer stores.

6) What talent do you think you have that makes you stand out?
I try to make things work as smoothly as possible and 
look professional.

7) What tips would you like to share with other ESAG members?
Marketing is #1 -- make every effort to get a review in a 
popular magazine.
Quality is #2 -- they won't review/buy it if it doesn't 
work or causes problems.
(some might say that quality is #1 -- but I've seen plenty 
of products get reviews and be successful that were poor quality.)
Idea is #3 -- good ideas help #1, but even a 'boring' or 
re-done product can be successful if done well and marketed well.

8) What future products can we expect?
That's a secret ;-)



1) Describe your company

Barefoot Productions develops quality 32-bit Windows software 
for various companies.  We have worked with Apple Computer, 
Paramount Digital Entertainment, IBM, US West, Anark 
Corporation, Fox Network Systems, Ziff-Davis and others.

2) Describe your products

We have a successful line of shareware products, which include games,
utilities and other applications.

3) What platforms does your products run on?

32-bit Windows (NT 4.0/Win95 or greater).  One title for the Mac.

4) What kind of audience do you target?

All ages and users.

5) How did you get started in programming?

Became involved in high school.

6) What talent do you think you have that makes you stand out?

Quality products which are improved with continual testing and 

7) What tips would you like to share with other ESAG members?

Can assist with software development, programming or small business

8) What future products can we expect?

Some DirectX games are in the works, as are some other utilities.


The Software Construction Company

 1) Describe your company

We've been in business since 1989.  We do software for IBM 
compatibles and specialize in software to manage home, 
hobby, and educational information.

 2) Describe your products

Diamond Data tracks baseball and softball statistics.
On This Day answers the question "what happened on this day 
in history?"  The Humor Mill is a collection of humorous 
material in a searchable database format.

 3) What platforms does your products run on?

MSDOS, Windows 3.1, Windows95, Windows NT 4.0

 4) What kind of audience do you target?

home, hobby, and educational computer users.

 5) How did you get started in programming?

I began taking courses in high school.  The first computer 
I programmed was a DEC PDP-8E using BASIC.  That was nearly 
25 years ago.

 6) What talent do you think you have that makes you stand out?

Wow!  Let's see ... my daughter thinks I make the best 
pancakes on the planet.  Does that count? :-)

Due to our engineering techniques, customer relations, and 
testing practices, we produce some of the best products ever 
seen from a small software shop.
(self-serving enough?) :-)

 7) What tips would you like to share with other ESAG members?

    Patience.  Try to think of the long haul.

 8) What future products can we expect?

    A quotation database and others not nearly as close 
    to being started.

 1) Describe your company

Platypus Software makes nongame educational shareware for 
children that not only teaches, but metateaches that 
learning is fun for its own sake.

 2) Describe your products

We have manipulatives for math and geography, fun 
drills for preschool, Spanish, phonics, and music, 
and some challenging spatial awareness tile
puzzles and strategy board games.  We make our UI's 
as nonverbal as possible. 

 3) What platforms does your products run on?

 4) What kind of audience do you target?

Parents of children, teachers, homeschooling families, 
puzzle junkies.

 5) How did you get started in programming?

I had a bunch of data to analyze for a hearing experiment, 
and rather than spend all night with my calculator, I 
took an incomplete, learned FORTRAN, and then wrote 
a ten line program that did it all.  

 6) What talent do you think you have that makes you stand out?

I know what is developmentally appropriate for children 
and my programs reflect it.  

 7) What tips would you like to share with other ESAG members?

A simple small shareware program that is trivial to 
install or read only (runs off CD-ROM) will be more 
popular and make you more money than your
magnus opus that has every bell and whistle in the 
book but requires that the user press more than one 
button to install it. 

 8) What future products can we expect?

a very much updated version of Mac Sings Noel is in the works!!!

Platypus Software      
P.O. Box 1591                        phone: 541 758 3429
Corvallis, OR 97339  USA


1) Describe your company
NextWare is dedicated to PC simulation.

 2) Describe your products
Combat simulator is a flight simulator for dos, with 
sophisticated 6 DOF model, (angle of attack is modeled 
it is not a game only), advanced textured and gouraud 256 
color graphics, stereo 3d-panned doppler shifted sound

 3) What platforms does your products run on?

 4) What kind of audience do you target?
flight simulator enthusiasts

 5) How did you get started in programming?
As a 12 year old I timidly entered a bookshop with the 
thought "can machines think? wow really, how is it done", 
and walked out with my first BASIC book underarm.

 6) What talent do you think you have that makes you stand out?
Attention to fast coding assembler techiques which give 
more intense interaction, high frame rates.

 7) What tips would you like to share with other ESAG members?
Would you like true 2d polygon rasterization code (Bresenham 
wastes a lot of time unnecessarily looping on the same 
raster line, the more horizontal the segment gets)

 8) What future products can we expect?
Win 95 direct 3d port to use 3d rendering accelerators.



See you next time!  ESAG...