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ESAG - Anti-Piracy/Anti-Crack Bulletin ESAG - Anti-Piracy/Anti-Crack Bulletin http://www.edepot.com/esagindex.html ESAG - Anti-Piracy/Anti-Crack Bulletin ESAG - Anti-Piracy/Anti-Crack Bulletin --------------------------------------------------------------- This bulletin outlines the following... 1) Lets you be aware of cracked shareware. 2) Shows you how they do it. 3) How to protect your shareware. 4) How to locate cracked sites with your shareware. 5) How to shut them down. Cracked shareware are shareware that has been tampered with so that the security features are disabled, or the registration verification is bypassed. Most crackers (people who produce cracked shareware) do this by doing the following... Create a specific program that when run, overwrites some bytes in your shareware executable file so that when your shareware runs the next time, the part where your shareware is supposed to do the security section is bypassed. This is easily done by using a disassembler and a binary file editor. Most pirates crack shareware by replacing the address that the machine codes that JSR (jump to subroutine) or JMP (jump) is supposed to go to. Or changing the JSR or JMP machines codes to NOP (No operation) when they are supposed to jump to the security verication area. In order to stop pirates you can put a checksum routine in your shareware program so that the next time your program runs, it checks whether the executable has been modified. This routine must be hidden somewhere and not be the first thing that gets called. Most crackers check the startup code only (its difficult and time consuming to trace your whole program!). In many different sections of your program go to that routine and exit if the checksum does not match. In order to find crack sites that may have your shareware on them, visit http://www.dejanews.com and enter your shareware title in the search input field. You will find listings on the USENET that may contain topics on your shareware. Add the words "crack" and "password" to the search field, and you may find that your shareware has already been cracked. Search for "crack" and "sites" and may come across sites hosting cracked shareware. To shut down the sites, its very simple. Do the following... Visit http://www.edepot.com/irres.html and enter the domain of the crack site. You will get phone numbers or email address where you can call or email to complain. (If you don't get that, then you are out of luck. You need to do some more investigation) Usually the site (or account) is shut down within a couple of days IF enough people email or phone them. Most domain hosters do not want cracked sites on them, or are not aware they are hosting one. Simply inform them the complete URL address of the crack site, and that it contains illegal and pirated software. Tell them that you are a shareware author, and that the site they are hosting is illegal, and that you will inform proper authorities or take legal action if the site is not removed. |